Sunday, 1 April 2012

A Muse on Fantasy and the New Year.

I wonder how many people go through life floating from one fantasy to another. And how many realise that fantasies are the soap bubbles of life: readily created, beautiful to look at, and easily popped. How many are happy with that, I wonder, and how many slump dejectedly into the gutter every time a bubble bursts?

I have questions about fantasies, such as:

Are they made of the same stuff as dreams?

Are they an essential part of the role playing which makes up a large part of the game of life?

Are they vital to the artistic temperament?

And so on...

I’ve done well with fantasies, having turned many of my own into reality. That’s one of the few things I’ve been good at this time round. Like most things, though, it seems to be a fading skill now. The soap bubbles aren’t as robust as they used to be. Role playing has become redundant, any pretence at an artistic temperament is observed with amusement, and dreams are confined to the hours of sleep.

*  *  *

I’ve decided that January 1st is a silly time to celebrate New Year. New Year takes its first breath with the vernal equinox and comes of age at Beltane. Now is the time to be sweeping up the old stone floor and bringing in new rushes.

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