Friday 20 April 2012

Being the Homeless Mut.

Do you know what I feel like today?

A stray dog.

Everybody’s ignoring me. Blog visits are at an all-time low and nobody’s answering my e-mails. The rabbit in the garden ran away when I went out, and the little-girl-on-the-bike in the lane merely frowned when I said ‘hello.’

Maybe I’ve grown even uglier overnight.

Maybe I’m carrying the energy of the dark moon around.

Maybe I’m even more undesirable than I thought I was.

... or madder.

Maybe I need to wag my tail harder.

Anybody throwing the odd bone or two away?


Shayna said...

C'mon, I'm gonna make us some tea and we can go gallivanting in a wild cornfield, ok? We'll gather up Melanie along the way and have a real grand time of it! xo!

JJ said...

OK. Promise not to gang up on me and make me cross?

Shayna said...

Swear. If you don't mind, you'll drive my truck and the three of us will squeeze into it & tell jokes to each other and stop along the way to gather interesting feathers, bones and iridescent wings and things ... ~!~ ... and, we'll spike our tea!

JJ said...

All sounds wonderful, Shay, except I only drive things with three pedals. (Appreciate the compliment, though.)

Melanie will be happy with the 'spike' bit. She likes him.

Shayna said...

No worry, Jeff ... we might just ditch the car and hitchhike ... or take a canoe down the river ... we'll just make it up as we go along, the three of us & Spike ~!~

JJ said...

I’m afraid Spike’s gone to the celestial ceilidh, Shay. But his spirit lives on – in me (being the fellow-Sagittarian-with-a-touch-of-the-Irish-somewhere-back-along-the-line.) So, just by way of greeting absent friends on this road/canoe trip, I threw this down in honour of him and California:

There was a young girl from Capri
Who decided she needed to pee
The cop from Bel Air said
‘You can’t do it there.
You’d put everyone well off their tea.’

Shayna said...

A great tribute to Spike ~.~ ! Anyway, there'll be more room in the truck without him.