Saturday, 14 April 2012

TV for the Gaudy, Spangly Age.

I saw the start of a TV chat show tonight. The set was full of gaudy, spangly things; the ‘host’ was wearing gaudy, spangly clothes. The audience whooped and whistled as three celebrities bounded enthusiastically onto the gaudy, spangly set and proceeded to hug and kiss each other as only luvvies can.


Talk shows I can watch:

An intelligent person sits in one chair, an interesting person in another. The intelligent person asks the interesting person interesting questions, which the interesting person answers interestingly.

Talk shows I can’t watch:

A celebrity with an over-inflated ego and a gaudy, spangly mentality asks inanely trivial questions of another celebrity who probably isn’t quite as gaudy and spangly since his/her role is meant to be inferior to that of the first celebrity (commonly and rather ridiculously referred to as ‘the host.’) The host’s primary skill is in being able to ask questions to which he/she can react in an amusing and entertaining way, thus placing him/herself on a pedestal and further massaging his/her ego almost – but not quite – to bursting point. The interviewee then falls about laughing in a vain attempt to make up lost ground by persuading the watching public that he/she is in on the joke and therefore a very interesting person.

Whatever happened to the days when TV had a bit of class about it?

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