Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Interfering with the Cunning Plan.

The lighting at Miss Bella’s house was little and low again tonight, which had me assuming they were all out – and that’s a problem (I’ll explain why in a minute.) But then I saw a dark figure skip quickly down the stairs just as I was passing the appropriate window, so either the house has a ghost or there was somebody at home. I chose to assume the latter and passed upon my merry way with lighter step.

Where does he get this crap from?

Dunno. I always assumed it was you.

Really? I always assumed it was you.

So anyway, if the parental personas will shut the f*** up for a minute, here’s why it’s a problem:

I’ve become extremely fond of Miss Bella (which is pretty rare for me - no, very rare,) but Miss B is strictly an infrequent and diurnal experience. So one of the benefits of walking past her house every night is that it goes a little way to extending that experience, albeit in a unilateral and fantastical sort of way. If she isn’t at home, therefore, it sort of messes up my cunning plan. And having one’s cunning plan messed up is little short of devastating.

Got it now?

Another cunning plan coming up later.

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