Saturday, 21 April 2012

Dave of the Dead.

I knew a zombie once. Let’s call him Dave, even though his actual name was something else.

He wasn’t a real zombie, obviously. He didn’t do the jerky gestures or anything, but I swear he had no soul. Can you imagine a person with no character? Nothing. He was easily the blandest person I ever knew. Dave defined bland.

His girlfriend was a (platonic) friend of mine. She was pretty, lively, highly intelligent and characterful. She had a master’s degree in European History or some such, and I was always intrigued by the question ‘what the hell is she doing with Dave?’ I wasn’t the only one. Everybody who knew her asked the same question.

So one day I managed to put it to her: ‘What the hell are you doing with Dave?’ They weren’t the words I used of course – I was a bit more diplomatic than that – but it amounted to the same thing.

‘He’s safe,’ she said.

Point taken. None of my business. Each to his (or her) own.

They’re parents now. To the same child...


Bree T Donovan said...

I've always wondered what the difference is between a zombie and a vampire?

JJ said...


Bits fall off zombies, so they're easier to knock over. And vampires are generally more pro-active.