Donald Trump has been lecturing the Scottish Parliament,
trying to get them to see the error of their ways with regard to wind turbine
development. He says they’re a waste of money because there’s no need to
develop renewable energy sources. He says they’ll be economically
counter-productive because they’ll do irreparable damage to the Scottish
tourist industry. And we know why he’s getting all hot and bothered, don’t we?
It’s because he’s bought a big piece of the Scottish coast
to develop a posh golf facility for rich people. It seems he doesn't have quite
enough wealth yet, so he wants to trash a prime piece of wildlife habitat in
order to get some more. And he’s got a problem with the fact that there’s a
plan to build some offshore wind turbines that will take the edge off the view
a bit. He says he’s going to suspend the development until the Scots come to
their senses.
I’m sure the majority of the Scottish Parliament are
laughing their socks off at this piece-of-dung-in-an-expensive-suit, so
hopefully we might see the back of him one day. But please, America,
you let me down over Cameron; please don’t let me – and my fellow Brits – down
over Trump. Take him back, would you, and put him where he belongs – in a freak
show with the rest of the Tea Party faithful. Chain him to something immovable,
but don’t throw the key away. Melt it down so there’s no danger of it ever
being found.
Thanking you in anticipation.
I think we need a new sort of Boston Tea Party over here where we dump all those scum in the sewers where they belong.
I disagree, Andrea. If we just immobilised them but left them visible, we could still have a good laugh. Dear Sarah is pretty hilarious.
Actually i think you're right. People like Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann make pretty good deterrents for voting Conservative.
But, it once crossed my mind that they could also be patriarchal tools used to suggest to small minded people that electing a female president would be a bad idea.
Good theory, but then GW wasn't a female president, was he? And I always thought that Hilary came across as being a bit more clued up than Bill.
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