Thursday, 5 January 2012

A Tale of Two Women...

...and Rule by Fear.

Fear of rejection, fear of emasculation, fear of letting them down when I’m most needed.

Am I the only one who has this problem, or the only one who’s worked it out?

I hope to be out of this hole soon, and then I can start being silly again.


Maria Sondule said...

I talked to Olaf about something relating to this. I was surprised when he said men are scared out of their minds when trying to make a first move on a girl. It just always seemed like the easier thing to do than try and get someone else to make the first move on you. But I guess it would be nerve wracking if you really like someone.

JJ said...

I wasn't thinking first moves, Maria. All you need for first moves are tact, natural charm and a good reading of body language. That's the easy bit. The problem is longer term.

Anonymous said...

Jeff you don't write anymore. Please do, I am missing my bedtime reading plus I could really do with some of jeff's wise words to cheer me up! y

JJ said...

I've been wandering the lanes for three days trying to bump into you. I tried to intercept you at the pub two days ago when you went down Bag Lane with Inca. And now my old knee injury hurts! And I'm miserable!! I would gladly tell you all about it if only I had the opportunity. I nearly wrote you a bloody letter yesterday!!!

How many wise words do you want?

JJ said...


I'm not yelling, Sarah. I'm just missing the one person in a 25 mile radius I want to talk to. It isn't easy being a hermit, you know.