Last night I devoted a blog post to Inca, Sarah’s canine
companion. Today, after months of deprivation, I got to renew my acquaintance
with the little princess. And that had me wondering.
My mother used to tell me when I was a kid that I should be
careful about the words I use, not because of the danger of misapprehension
arising simply from linguistic nuances, but because words have the inherent power to effect changes.
I subsequently learned that this is a widely accepted
doctrine in arcane traditions. So is it true? If so, does it mean we can have
whatever we want – or bring about any number of desired changes – by the simple
(or maybe not so simple) expedient of using the right words in the right way?
That’s a bit of a worry, because it would mean that any word
I uttered might be having an effect on other people. So should I stop talking?
Should I stop writing? I once wrote an article for an authors’ forum about how
circumstances in my vicinity sometimes carried odd echoes of things I’d written
in stories. Is this true of all writers? Do writers, being people who possess
an uncommon degree of prowess with words, somehow develop an otherwise latent
ability to influence events with them?
I don’t know, but obviously I can’t stop talking or writing;
the drive to communicate is one of the strongest aspects of my makeup. It’s an
interesting thought, though, isn’t it?
Oh – nearly forgot. I talked with M’Lady S today, too. Fancy
forgetting that bit!
And very nice it was too, although never long enough, so much to say, so little time!! Y
Quite agree, and I have so many questions to ask.
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