Saturday, 28 January 2012

The Nocturnal Journal.

I felt the most insistent sense that something was following me on the lane near my house tonight. There was nothing to be seen, of course; there never is when you have the feeling you’re being followed. But then, after turning the corner into Mill Lane, I heard a howl coming roughly from the direction of my house. I’ve never heard that before.

’Tis not the owl that does disturb
It is the howl that makes you ask
‘What’s on the prowl?’

And then I got accosted in more prosaic fashion. A set of headlights came around the bend behind me, and stopped. I walked on. The lights moved forward again, and then stopped again. I stopped, too, and watched them for a few moments. But headlights are just headlights, so I walked on again. And then they moved forward and came slowly alongside. It was a delivery van from Tesco, and the driver wanted directions to New House Farm. They were easily given and that was the end of that little adventure.

Apart from the strange light among some tree branches that was difficult to explain, and the further feeling of being followed when I got close to home, the walk back was uneventful.

And that’s probably all you’re getting tonight because I’m in a seriously low mood. Have been all day. New York continues to engender a difficult mix of emotions.

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