Saturday, 14 January 2012

A Birthday Note.

Today is the second anniversary of starting this blog. So what was it for, what has it achieved, and who was I talking to these past seven hundred and thirty days?

Well, its purpose changed over that period, and so did the group of people who occasionally shared my bit of cyberspace – and some of them, I have to say, were and still are quite fascinating. As for what it achieved, I suppose that was the really interesting bit.

It brought in its wake a surprising number of thrills and spills, and they in their turn engendered a surprising amount of turbulence. It established (or maybe re-established) connections with a few very special people. But what it mostly did, and will continue to do, I assume, is hold up a mirror and encourage the question ‘What do you see?’ And what I saw was what I’ve been coming to suspect for many years: that I, along with everybody else, consist of nothing more than levels of illusion, at the core of which is the only thing of true substance: my soul (for want of a better word) which isn’t even mine, or God’s, or anybody else’s. It’s just a part of some continuum and can’t even be called a fragment, any more than there is any such thing as a moment in time or a point in space. And yet I accept and live with the illusions because they're what the continuum exists to provide. I feel therefore I am, but only up to a point. (A point in what? Quite.)

And so, to honour what the illusion likes to perceive as a milestone, I plan to link to my three favourite posts later. I know what two of them are, the third is yet tbd.

Happy Birthday blog.