Tuesday, 31 January 2012

On Conditions and Climate.

It seems to me that if we give of ourselves to a person, we should do so unconditionally. We shouldn’t expect to get anything back from them. I still find that difficult. It seems unbalanced and unfair; it’s all pouring out and no replenishment. There are those who would say that we should train ourselves mentally and spiritually to maintain constant reserves for self-replenishment, and I suppose we should. I’m just not there yet.


I felt particularly cold while out walking today, even though the air temperature was a little above freezing, and I realised that there’s something missing from the weather forecast.

Forecasters used to give predicted temperatures, pure and simple. And then they started to account for the fact that cold air feels colder when it’s moving than when it’s still, and so they began to give us the apparent temperature adjusted for the wind chill factor. Well, it’s also a fact that cold air feels colder when it’s damp than when it’s dry, so I propose that the forecasters also offer a damp chill factor. That would give them something else to get wrong.


Anthropomorphica said...

I think there are always conditions, sometimes you just have to put your foot down. Ideally yes, we are all unconditional fountains of love but the truth is some take more than their fair share and give nowt.
As you can see Jeff I'm a grumpy sod today ;)

JJ said...

I can beat you, Mel. I'm a grumpy old sod.

Thank you for visiting while you're grumpy. That's a compliment. Haven't forgotten the e-mail.