Thursday 1 November 2012

Trying to Make a Post.

I see the ongoing news reports regarding the Jimmy Savile sex abuse case have swung back to concentrating on individual celebrities, with the occasional side swipe at the BBC. All those more informative revelations that were emerging with regard to the culpability of the police, politicians, and the media generally appear to have been swept under the carpet. I think there might be a bit of closing ranks going on here, and I think we should be lifting the carpet to see what’s festering underneath.

*  *  *

And yes, I know I’m not writing many blog posts at the moment. That’s because the symbiotic relationship between stress and fatigue is keeping the little monster fit and well, and while the spirit is willing, the mental energy is on a back burner and the keyboard looks intimidating.

*  *  *

Still, I did manage to finish trimming the longest of my garden hedges today. And I got some clothes ironed. And I spent two hours bringing my personal accounts up to date. And I took some stuff to the recycling bins. But there’s still a hell of a lot to do in the garden. And I’m still half way through re-decorating the office. And there’s still some paperwork of Nigel’s to finish off. And I need to re-paint two walls in my bedroom now that I’ve changed the colour of the bed linen from blue to burgundy. And this is all really, really interesting, isn’t it?

*  *  *

So you can have a picture of The Hollow looking mysterious and some fading summer greenery in the Shire churchyard, if you like.


Wendy S. said...

I understand your exhaustion. Good for you to take on all the chores and necessities even if they're not fun. I've never painted walls before. Love the photos!

JJ said...

Tiredness is actually the least of the problems with fatigue syndrome, Wendy. It's all the other symptoms that go with it, which is why it's known as 'yuppy flu' in Britain.

You've never painted walls? What a sheltered life!

You have stylish avis, don't you? Nice one.