Friday 23 November 2012

The Good Lord F.

Lord Freud, the investment banker tasked with the job of advising the government on how to demolish the welfare system, says that poor people should take more risks since ‘they have the least to lose.’ He says it’s a ‘dreadful system’ that permits the unemployed and sick people to have ‘a lifestyle.’ Lifestyle?

It must be obvious to anybody with a brain cell that his logic and his appreciation of reality outside his own rarefied circle are effectively non existent. He appears to be another proponent of Mrs Thatcher’s infamous desire for ‘a return to Victorian values.’ He’s about what you’d expect of an investment banker, and I think we’ve had quite enough of bankers running the show to last us several lifetimes. I wonder how much the taxpayer is paying him to offer this invaluable advice.

Isn’t it reasonable to expect Lord Freud and his ilk to stick to running their illusory, albeit lucrative, empires, and leave the philosophy to those with a soul?

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