Saturday 17 November 2012

Israel's Poodle.

I’ve been wondering for decades why it is that when Israel clicks its fingers, America jumps to heel. I can see lots of possible strands to this, but I wonder whether the answer is fundamentally simple. Maybe it’s the same as the reason why Donald Trump always votes Republican. Obama says that ‘Israel has a right to defend itself.’ Mmm… OK, but… let’s muse some more.


andrea kiss said...

I've always thought its because Americans fear that if they don't defend Israel and Israel falls or whatever that it will bring about the Biblical Apocalypse.

JJ said...

That's interesting. The myth over here used to be that the return of the Jews to Israel would be the precursor of the Apocalypse. I remember being told that as a kid.

In reality, I expect it has more to do with rich and powerful lobbying groups in America, and maybe the fact that it's useful to have a western-style capitalist enclave in the Arab world. In the face of that kind of thing, sixty years of Palestinian suffering is of little consequence.