Wednesday 7 November 2012

One Too Many Mornings.

I started blogging nearly three years ago, and in all that time I never went more than a day without making a post – and even then, only rarely. Well, it’s now been four days, and I feel that there are people out in the ether who’re entitled to an explanation. Whether or not the word ‘entitled’ is wholly appropriate, I don’t know and I don’t care; it just seems that way.

The fact is that, as always with me, the reasons are subtle, deep, many-faceted, complex and utterly tedious, so I won’t bother to go into detail. Suffice it to say that things are not good in the JJ mind at the moment. Things are not good in The Shire at the moment, either, and The Shire is about the only means I have of identifying myself these days. It’s a long way short of enough, but it’s all I’ve got and so it matters. In brief, things aren’t good, and when things aren’t good I have a habit of retiring to a safe distance where people can’t reach me. I like giving sympathy, you see, but I hate receiving it. It makes me feel inadequate.

I did think of giving up the blogging habit altogether this time, but I don’t suppose I will. When I think of all the things I used to like doing but are no longer available, the one thing I have left is writing, and what would I write but the blog? How else would I play the questioning fool, or rant about the crap we have running western society, or attach more gravitas to little things than they deserve? So I expect I’ll continue – maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but some day and for the rest of my life. Ah, Philadelphia…

And to demonstrate my good intentions, I thought I’d post two and a half minutes of vintage Bob Dylan. For a start, it reminds me of the days when opportunity was a virgin slate. This song was one of my repertoire in my minstrelling days with the gang – when little Lyn Pedley liked to carry my guitar around, slung across her back, because she thought it made her look cool. Dear Lyn was not quite the first woman I disappointed, and there were a lot more to come. We were only eighteen, bless us, and life was a lot simpler back then. But mainly it’s because I feel it should be an allegory for something. Exactly what, I don’t know.

And to those who kept checking in, sincere thanks.


Anonymous said...

Glad you're back. We (we=middle aged lady + husband) have been worried about you, and hope you feel better soon (but we're not being sympathetic). NY

JJ said...

Well thank you, We. I hope you survived the Big F OK. I hope you're warm, that you have no sea-going vessels parked unwillingly on your driveway, and that you voted for the right one.

andrea kiss said...

So good to see you back. I was getting worried. About to call an Amber Alert.

andrea kiss said...

I was getting worried though. So glad you've also decided not to stop blogging!

JJ said...

You were one of the principle reasons, Andrea. Only amber?!

Wendy S. said...

I look forward to reading your posts every day, Jeff. I many not comment on most of them but I'd be sad if you disappeared. The Shire, your struggles, your sarcasm and wit are just some of the topics I like most reading about. Glad you're here...for now.

JJ said...

Thank you, Wendy. You see, it's people like you who keep drawing me back. I owe you. (And it beats spending all evening reading Dracula, which is entertaining but not terribly well written in parts. And a spark of a post just appeared.)