Wednesday 21 November 2012

Why Care?

So the General Synod of the Church of England has rejected the proposed ordination of women bishops. The Archbishop of Canterbury says he’s disappointed because he believes the Church should keep up with current attitudinal trends. In other words, it needs to modernise. David Cameron says he’s disappointed for the same reason. No doubt the traditionalists disagree because they think it’s important for the Church to maintain its traditions.

I think the real problem isn’t so much about the war between modern and traditional, but stems from the time-entrenched perception that the Christian Church is still at war with the ancient Pagans whose system afforded the same level of respect to priestesses and goddesses as it did to priests and gods. And also, I suppose, from the fact that God is a man and only wants men running his earthly affairs.

But why should I care? I stopped being a Christian when I couldn’t get sensible answers to reasonable questions.

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