Sunday 13 January 2013

Nature's Kidology and Important Observations.

For a few weeks either side of the winter solstice the sun is so weak you can hardly feel it. And then comes a day when it gives you a pleasant surprise: the first stirrings of heat are coming back. Today was that day; the sun was warm; it felt like the first hint of spring. And tonight we’re having the first snowfall of the winter.

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On my walk tonight I was intrigued by the fact that certain sections of lane remained dry and clear of snow, while others were getting a bit of a build up. It couldn’t have been caused by drifting because there’s no wind, so I decided it must be due to different temperatures at the road surface. Sure enough, the clear stretches were either those that had been in the sun during the day, or those close to buildings or trees (trees store heat from the sun while it’s shining, then give it off at night.) Isn’t life fun when there are matters of such import to observe?

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Another observation: tea tastes richer after you’ve eaten something savoury (bacon is best, but not if you’re vegetarian,) whereas coffee tastes oddly of liquorice.

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