Thursday 17 January 2013

Answering the Question.

Tonight’s walk wasn’t quite as cold as last night’s, but it was still a bit chilly. And the wind had risen, which made it feel colder. And it was snowing. I trudged on, taking in the atmosphere of it all.

It occurred to me that if any of the locals saw me out tonight, they would probably be even more convinced of my strangeness than they are already. (What am I talking about? What’s this ‘locals’ business? I’m a local. But then, I think I’m strange, so that’s OK. To continue…) They might ask me ‘Why the hell do you do it?’ So, failing the close attentions of a fellow local, I asked myself the same question (talking to myself comes naturally anyway – always did.)

Well, for the experience I suppose. A case can, and often is, made for the assertion that:

a) Since the past no longer exists and the future is unknown, there is only now (even though a case can also be made for the assertion that now doesn’t exist either. And yet it does – or seems to – in an odd, incomprehensible sort of way, so let’s go along with it for the sake of simplicity.)

b) Life is experience; experience is life. There is nothing else at this level.

OK then, the reason I’m doing it is for the experience. Doesn’t that just make perfect sense?

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