Thursday 3 January 2013

A Note on the Rant.

There’s a lot more meaning contained within my last late night rant than might readily be apparent. I could write a whole essay of commentary on it, which I wouldn’t dream of doing because it would be tedious in the extreme. Much of it comes down to the distinction we make between the ‘real’ and the fantastical. We should question what is reality, in essence, and what is fantasy, in potential. On a more mundane level, however, it refers to an increasingly apparent phenomenon:

Britain is not an homogenous culture, but a wide range of cultures which are sometimes so disparate as to be effectively different worlds. The current crop of government ministers seems only to understand their own narrow, rarefied culture and those very close to it. What they think they understand of the others is a prejudiced, wholly unrealistic view informed and conditioned by their own. This is divisive government being perpetrated by small minds lacking wider awareness, and that’s what makes me angry.

It shouldn’t, because I haven’t yet found a culture with which I can accord with any great degree of comfort. That’s why I have to live in my own world and be regarded with distance, misapprehension, and occasionally even suspicion, by the denizens of the others. I need to ignore them. Enough said.

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