Friday 4 January 2013

Being Susceptible.

I’ve mentioned the old fatigue problem on this blog before. I thought it was on the way out late last summer and autumn, but it’s back. Only this time it isn’t so much the grinding tiredness, but all the other stuff that comes with it. Much of the time I feel a wreck (that is, an even bigger wreck than I used to.)

In the absence of any great degree of interest from my doctor, I’ve done a bit of delving, and I’m fairly convinced that it’s due, at least in part, to adrenalin fatigue. There are tests for specific adrenalin conditions, apparently, but not for simple fatigue.

They tell you to avoid not only nervous stimulation, but also dietary stimulants. And that includes coffee, one of the most potent. I love coffee. Good coffee is one of my most favourite things in life. So do I forego my beloved Joe and still feel a bit of a wreck, or do I take my accustomed pleasure and feel worse? I think it will have to be the latter; ’twas ever my way.

Only don’t any of you lot go saying anything exciting to me, OK? I’m a delicate little thing and mustn’t be stimulated. Not unless you really can’t help yourself.

Tee hee?


Wendy S. said...

Have you ever looked into a diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? I don't have it but many friends I do have it and so many symptoms you talk about fall into the diagnosis. The trick is finding a good physician who will take you seriously, assess if you have it and then be of some use to you somehow. You can also read up on it on the internet, Jeff.

JJ said...

I believed almost from the beginning that it was CFS, Wendy. Everything fits, and I've known a couple of people myself who've had it.

It wasn't so much that the doctor didn't take me seriously, rather that there's no test for it. They will only formally diagnose it if every other possibility is eliminated, and who wants to spend half their time in hospital having tests? The doctor's attitude was more to suggest that it will go of its own accord if I can keep the stress levels down, and he knows better now than to offer me pills.

Wendy S. said...

There's some great support websites for CFS Jeff. I know that there's no standardized test which is really difficult for one who suffers with it. Maybe you can find some ideas on how to best cope with your fatigue on some of the CFS boards? Sending you healing thoughts.

JJ said...

You know me, Wendy - ever the loner. I'm not really the type to seek support in numbers. I'm even very reluctant to visit doctors. What I generally seek is a way to cure myself.

But thank you for the thoughts. Much appreciated. Make them elfin! I'm into them at the moment.