Friday, 2 March 2012

Handling the Pitches.

I spoke with the landlord’s agent this morning. It appears that:

1) He is offering me a new contract to stay in the house.

2) The rent increase is in line with what I was expecting and consider reasonable.

Now I have to wait for the paperwork and read the small print, but things are looking hopeful.

I also got another e-mail this morning that induced a further fit of the wobbles. The sky is changing: stars disappearing, stars changing position... I must get up early tomorrow and see whether the sun rises in the west. I wouldn’t be at all surprised.

Am I exaggerating? Not really. It’s just that we each have our own ideas about what is and isn’t important. Never pass judgement on the pitch of another person’s reaction.


Bree T Donovan said...

Great news! I'm sure that is a load off your shoulders. Your back doesn't need any more weight.

I hope I didn't offend ya with my previous post. You know me, I miss our engaging conversations which Tra` almost always interrupted!

I agree with what you said about Google and the comments. It makes me feel like a stalker when I'm just trying to see if my comment got a response.

The "F comment" had to be from Philly! ;-)


Anthropomorphica said...

Ah, thank goodness you can still take your nocturnal walks!
Intriguing Jeff, do tell...

JJ said...

Bree: Do you have the saying 'Don't count your chickens before they're hatched?' Not offended at all. It's rare to get such searching questions in a post comment. It's just that they were too big to answer.

Mel: And the rest - hopefully. And I can't tell, since I haven't worked it out for myself yet.

andrea kiss said...

Glad to hear that all is well with your home! :)

JJ said...

It isn't yet, Andrea - still haven't received the contract.