Saturday, 31 March 2012

Another Saturday Night.

The walk tonight wasn’t wonderful. All the usual things were in place – it was a crisp, chilly night, Venus and Jupiter still appeared to want to know one another, and the first quarter moon was casting deep shadows on the lane.

But I was passed at speed four times by boy racers in souped up cars playing thump thump music out of the windows, which didn’t exactly match the atmosphere. Then I saw Cassie, the pub dog, wandering the lanes by herself. I thought it sad, and wished she’d been at home and snug in front of a fire. The piece-de-resistance, though, was finding M’Lady’s house in total darkness. I’ve never seen that before, and I admit it felt strange enough to engender a mild sense of desolation. That’s just me being silly, of course, and I soon got rid of it, but still...

It’s Saturday night, isn’t it? I’ve said before – more than once – that Saturday night isn’t my favourite time of the week.

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