Friday, 2 March 2012

A Clown Called Google.

I just had a look at ‘Ad Preferences’ on one of the ads that keeps irritating me. It turns out to be – surprise, surprise – one of Google’s little bright spark devices, so I looked further. It seems that Google infers my demographic profile based on the websites I supposedly visit, and then pitches the ads at areas it assumes are of interest to me. They list the following as my primary interests:

Arts & Entertainment - Music & Audio - Rock Music
Autos & Vehicles
Computers & Electronics - Consumer Electronics - Gadgets & Portable Electronics - MP3 & Portable Media Players
Computers & Electronics - Software - Software Utilities

How the hell they come up with this list is beyond me, since the only items that could possibly have any relevance to my browsing habits would be Arts & Entertainment and Music & Audio. The rest? Hardly! Foreign territory all.

But it gets better. Based, so they claim, on the above list (please take another look at it,) they assume I’m female and over 65.

Should I fall about laughing at this stage, or quote again the old adage about people rising to their own level of incompetence?

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