Wednesday 24 October 2012

Three Levels of News.

Like most people, I live life in three worlds. Avalon is my home, garden and attitude to life. The Shire is the local landscape and community. The Outside World comprises Camelot, the Saxon Lands and you lot over the water.

Current news for Avalon is that the blue tits are taking an active interest in their nest box. Seems they think it’s April, which isn’t such a good idea because we’re due to get a taste of December at the end of the week.

Current news for The Shire is that somebody asked me today whether I’ll be going to the barbecue and bonfire at the pub on Saturday evening. It’s nice to be wanted.

Current news for The Outside World is that I’ve been campaigning for Mr Obama rather a lot on my blog lately, and now I’d like somebody to tell me where to send the bill. If I’m going to engage with American politics, I don’t see why I shouldn’t also adopt American mores. Or would that make me a Republican…


Rhissanna said...

If you want an eye-watering example of how far to the loony side of right one can lean in the USA, go look up Charlie Fuqua. (I have no idea how to pronounce 'fuqua', but I know how it sounds to me.) He's my local boy and no, he's not getting my vote.

JJ said...

Maybe he just needs to deflect attention from his unfortunate name (it's even worse than the girl I knew once called Ethel Onions.)

But yes, it's often said at election time that American culture is endemically right wing. Even the Democrats would be regarded as conservative in Europe. It's what makes America 'the greatest country on earth,' as even Mr O reminded us all recently.

I'll google Charlie later.