Sunday 7 October 2012

Conversation with Mitt.

'OK, Mitt, now you’re dead you get to choose a planet to run. Which one do you want?’

‘Alpha Centauri.’

‘Er, you can’t have that one.’

‘Why not?’

‘Big G keeps that to himself.’

‘Who’s Big G?’

‘Well, you know… God.’



‘Is he American?’

‘Erm, not sure. Jewish, I think.’

‘Huh! Next best thing, I suppose. So what’s he got that I haven’t?’

‘A halo.’

‘Dammit! I’ve got enough money to fill my house with jello if I want to.’

‘No, Mitt. Not jello. A halo.’

‘What’s a halo?’

‘It’s a sort of white, shiny thing that hangs around the head.’

‘White, eh? Well if it’s white, I want one. How much are haloes?’

Scotch and isolation are taking their toll.

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