Saturday 20 October 2012

Is it Magic or Just Me?

The walk was strange tonight. Strange flashes in the clouds over Mill Lane – three of them. A strange noise coming across the fields from down by the river again, the sort that prompts a character in a sci-fi film to exclaim ‘What the hell was that?’ and somebody else says, in a tone suggestive of fear and mystery ‘Dunno, skipper, but I don’t think it belongs in this world.’ (Well, they do if the producer hired a really, really bad script writer.)

And then, as I was walking uphill back to my house, being aware that I was becoming increasingly hot and weak. And the trees began to gather a mistiness about them – just the trees, you understand. And there was a light further up the road that defied my attempt to identify its source before disappearing.

Getting home was a bit of a struggle, and when I took my coat off and felt the cold sweat on the back of my neck, I decided I was suffering from low blood sugar. I do occasionally. So I had a mug of coffee, a packet of crisps, and quite a lot of sweet, minty chocolate.

And now I feel sick.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps the strange flashes in the clouds were tonight's Orionid meteor shower.

JJ said...

I wonder whether it was they who sent my internet connection wonky at 2.30 this morning.