Thursday 11 October 2012

The Demise of Creativity.

Way back in the sixties or seventies or something, there was a postman from Norfolk called Allan Smethurst who achieved fame under the sobriquet The Singing Postman. There’s also a town in Norfolk called Diss, and one of the songs he wrote had the immortal line

I love my little miss from Diss’s kisses all the while.

Romantic, eh, and pretty neat?

What really made his name, though, was a big chart success he had with a song entitled ‘Ha’ Ya Got a Light, Bor?’ And get this for a line:

Molly Wimley
She smokes like a chimaly
But she’m my little nicotine gal

Can you imagine Radio 1 being allowed to play that these days?

And today’s one and only bonus was that I finally found my favourite episode of Father Ted on YouTube. It’s the one in which Tom wears his I Shot JR t-shirt. Hilarious.

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