Tuesday 16 October 2012

Something to Say.

So now the day is coming to a close and it’s blog post time again, what should I talk about?

Should I talk about all the things I went out and bought today to replace ones that had broken down or become in some way seriously deficient, and how much work it took to get certain things up and running again? Should I mention how much more substantial and better engineered my 10-year-old mobile phone was than the modern, slimline, rickety plastic one that I bought today?

Should I stick to the tried and trusted formula and talk about the fact that if you stare at the clear night sky long enough it shifts your perception of your place in three dimensional reality? Or should I remain earthbound and relate the mystery of the sound that came from somewhere near the river, that wasn’t a dog and wasn’t a cow and wasn’t an owl and wasn’t a fox and I really haven’t a clue what it was, but it was odd?

I think I’ll make a cup of tea instead, and come up with something better later.

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