Friday 5 October 2012

My Dear Americans...

I gather Romney’s personal rating has improved since his ‘successful’ debate with Obama over the economy. America: Wake Up.

Debating ability is no indicator of deeper qualities, personal predilections, or actual intentions. The biggest gobshite on the planet might also be the best debater. Debating is a game. Look at the man; look at his body language; look at his personal wealth; look at his history and consider which stratum of society he is most comfortable with; and then consider who he’s most friendly with and whose interests he’s most likely to protect.

America is already the crime capital of the developed world. It’s the place where the greatest number of nutcases run around doing crazy, violent, often homicidal things. This is an indicator of a divided society, a place where obscene wealth sits next to obscene poverty, and if you put Romney into the White House you may be assured that America will become even more divided.

I also gather he’s apologised for his ‘47% of Americans’ remark. He says it was ‘completely wrong.’ Bullshit. It’s the easiest thing in the world to be seen to apologise in order to win more votes. How many leopards change their spots?

My small voice whispering in the wilderness strongly suggests that you decline to be fooled by Romney. It suggests that you fear him and where he is likely to lead you.


Wendy S. said...

I'm already awake to Romney and he scares the crap out of me. If he wins, I think I might be heading to your neck of the woods or somewhere I'm out of his grasp.

JJ said...

And you'd be welcome, Wendy (although our current administration is of a not dissimilar mindset to Romney and his people.)

I met a man from New York in London back in the late eighties. He said he'd sworn to leave America if Reagan (I think, or it might have been Bush Snr) won the election. And he had.

andrea kiss said...

I watched the debate and i thought that he did do better than Obama as far as quicker responses and seeming more confident, but that still didn't change what he was saying, and i don't understand why people aren't paying attention to his words and ideas rather than his manner.

I was thinking just yesterday about the size of the man's ego. Biggest one i think i've know of... to think the man believes he'll be the god of his own planet in is next life and can't be content with just that, he also wants to be leader of the US. Isn't being a god enough? haha.

andrea kiss said...

known* his* next life

JJ said...

That's the problem with debates. The winner isn't necessarily the one with the best ideas. That's why a man I once knew who was one of the country's leading barristers left the profession. He said a law court was just a debating chamber, and so right didn't always win.

Maybe Romney just wants an extra line on his resume for when he gets his planet.

andrea kiss said...