Monday 8 October 2012

My Magic Mobile.

My old mobile phone has developed a most peculiar characteristic. Sometimes the display appears upside down and back to front. It happened again today. I realised I had a text message, so I took it to the bathroom, turned it upside down and read it in a mirror.

(It said: ‘Your gift is with Nigel. Thank you.’ Which was a bit of a cheek because it isn’t a gift at all. It’s payment in kind – a bottle of single malt scotch, I hope – for doing somebody’s tax return.)

I’m waiting for some clever person to tell me that it isn’t possible for a mobile screen to do that, which wouldn’t surprise me in the least. And it isn’t that big a problem; what’s more of a problem is when the characters on the screen break up and look like ink splashes. Mirrors don’t help in that case. Maybe I should get a new mobile.

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