Saturday 13 October 2012

Late Night Activities.

For fifteen years between 1992 and 2007, I took only showers – no baths. And then my shower broke down and I couldn’t afford to replace it, so I reverted to taking only baths. That meant re-learning the different technique involved. Now I’ve had my new shower fitted and I’m having to re-learn the shower technique again. Life’s never easy, is it?

And I’ve just been reading up on thoughtforms, inspired by Mr Rob who was telling me about tulpas the other day. Fascinating stuff. Highly recommended. Could be something to practice on my night walks.

I learned in the process that negative emotions like jealousy, rage and anxiety can literally poison us with toxic chemicals and make us ill.

So now I’m going to watch another episode of Father Ted. That’s all about alternate realities.

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