Sunday, 11 March 2012

Revitalised, but Still Frustrated.

Yesterday was dreadful – the old Chronic Fatigue problem again. I’ve said it before but it bears repeating: it isn’t just the tiredness and the propensity to aches and pains; it isn’t so much a lack of energy as a lack of vitality. It feels as though the very life force is draining away, and any psychological or emotional issues come to the fore and won’t be pushed away. Disappointments, frustrations, loss, disillusionment – they’re all there, yacketing somewhere deep inside and refusing to shut up.

Today is better – so far. Today I have one minor frustration to gripe about – so far – and this is it:

I decided to put a favourite Kate Bush track on my playlist, so I searched YouTube and found several versions, including the Kick Inside album version that I wanted. Mixpod picked it up OK, so I added it. What do I get? ‘Content owner has disabled embedding’ as usual. So I tried another version; same result.

I don’t understand this. If these tracks are available for anybody in the world to listen to, why does somebody go to the effort of disabling embedding so you can’t add them to a blog playlist (even though you can put them on the blog itself?) I assume there is a reason, so would somebody explain it to me?


Anthropomorphica said...

Kidneys my dear Mr B. think they might need a bit of a tonic, ashwaganda might help.Odd herbs again...
Might be a regional thing with the music, I've had problems before with it. Not for stinky brits or something like that

JJ said...

You do set me some Quests Perilous, don't you Mel? First Tiger Balm, now ashwaganda. Don't suppose a quick trip to Boots will do this time, will it? You're grading the tests, aren't you?

Anthropomorphica said...

Oh yes, just wait for the next one ;)

JJ said...

Is that the one where I'm suspended from the roof using hooks made from bear's teeth?

Anthropomorphica said...

Ouch! Maybe claws...