Thursday, 1 March 2012

Resisting the Mademoiselle.

I think it's about time we had another ditty. Remember them?

I knew a fine French lady once
Called Mademoiselle DuPree
She taunted me with Gallic chic
Then sat upon my knee

‘Je t’aime, mon petit homme,’ she said
With unrestrainèd glee
‘I call you petit bon bon, now
I call you ma cherie’

‘But madam, would you please desist,’
I said most urgently
‘You weigh two hundred pounds, my dear
You’ll dislocate my knee!’


Anthropomorphica said...

Perfect timing, I was back on the Milligan last night giggling at his rhymes and limericks. I was just in the mood for this!

JJ said...

Have you ever heard the Godley and Creme/Peter Cooke concept album 'Consequences?' there's some funny stuff in it.

Anthropomorphica said...

What a bizarre combination! No, I haven't heard it but it's worth a google.

JJ said...

A few of my favourite quotations come from it, such as

'Thank God for the Rolls, I say. Some of the cheaper cars were going backwards.'


'I remember me dad's last words. He said "I'm not dead ye..."'

Anthropomorphica said...

That's what I was looking for ;)
Blithan hodoese, that's what it said and if blogger doesn't agree, bugger to it!

JJ said...

I'm going a bit off Google for one reason and another. I send them constructive feedback along the lines of 'you're shite,' but they never respond.

Anthropomorphica said...

Hee hee, that's tickled me!
Now there are two nonsensical words I feel the need to put them into a sentence...
Icsup epectin you.

JJ said...

Why am I reminded of tomato ketchup and cough mixture?