Monday, 26 March 2012

Re-naming M'Lady and Two Little Notes.

I’ve been meaning to ask Sarah how she feels about her name. ‘Sarah’ is a good name, but it’s also fairly common, whereas Sarah is a most uncommon person. So I took to considering tonight what I think she should be called. Not easy, but then...

Voila! Eureka! Gadzooks!

I remembered my favourite scene from a Harry Potter film. It’s one in which Hermione slaps Harry’s hands and takes over the doing of something that he’s fumbling. It’s a real ‘boys are useless’ moment, and I love such moments.

Well, Sarah did something similar to me today, and I’ve said before that there’s something Hermioneish about her. (I think it has something to do with that soft, feminine assertiveness in the eyes, the sort that’s impossible for a mere male to contest, but I’m not sure – yet.)

So anyway, Hermione seemed to fit the bill perfectly. But there’s a problem, isn’t there? It’s a bit of a bloody mouthful, right? And how does one abbreviate it? It doesn’t exactly lend itself to a pet diminutive, does it?

Ah, well, looks like it’s back to the drawing board. Better stick with ‘Sal’ for the time being, Sal. Hope you don’t mind.

*  *  *

And now for something completely different:

I developed a theory tonight as to how I could make Waitrose’s bog standard dark chocolate drink palatable. I just tried it and it worked brilliantly. Clever JJ.

*  *  *

The three members of the courtly triumvirate I wrote about last night have done a little dance and radically altered their relative positions. Jupiter is now falling further towards the horizon and weakening. The crescent moon, on the other hand, has switched sides and moved up close to Venus.

This reminds me of something personal. I wonder whether they look the same from Washington Heights. I expect they do.


Bree T Donovan said...

How bout Hermione into "one"?

JJ said...

I changed my mind, Bree. I think I see a parallel with the Abigail I wrote about once. Abi would suit Sarah nicely.

Bree T Donovan said...

This topic is so odd. Did you know that Tra` changed my first name? His sister thought it was disrespectful of him to do so, but he said; "I can't help it. That is who she is to me, always has always will be."

I'd only known him 2 weeks. I think of that line in Jane A. "Edward! Give me my name!"

I'm getting gee-eyed!

JJ said...

Odd indeed, Bree. Must remember not to crash my car into Sarah's gate! And I assume Jane A is Jane Austen, and that 'give me my name' was a plea for a proposal. The similarities just flew in opposite directions. At speed.

Bree T Donovan said...

I'm a spaz! It was Jane Eyre. My spelling really does suck!

I know it was a proposal, but I was referring to a man in each instance bestowing a name on his lady. T wasn't proposing to me either. I like Abi, by the by. But does The lady S??

JJ said...

Don't know, Bree. M'Lady S doesn't tell me anything. Just gives me orders and does the 'boys are useless' thing when I fumble the chains on farm gates. I suppose that's what one does with elderly uncles.