Here’s an interesting little fact:
My sources of income don’t amount to enough to pay UK
income tax. But I still have pictures lodged with Getty Images of Seattle from
my old photographing days, and last year they sold one and I got a royalty
cheque. It still didn’t take me into the UK
tax bracket, but US
tax was stopped at source, a practice we don’t have in Britain.
I could claim exemption, but the form they sent was so big, complicated, and
wanted so much personal information, that I declined to complete it. So, OK, it’s
my fault. Guilty as charged.
The fact still remains that I paid $294 US bloody income tax
last year! And so, Yankee chums, I’m helping to pay for your infrastructure.
Say ‘thank you, JJ.’ Go on, say it. You may reward me by not voting Republican in November.
Ah, but, then again... The last time you voted Republican (I know you didn't really, but everybody pretended you did,) you gave the world a damn good laugh for a few years (Go Sarah P!) So, erm...
Ah, but, then again... The last time you voted Republican (I know you didn't really, but everybody pretended you did,) you gave the world a damn good laugh for a few years (Go Sarah P!) So, erm...
I'd thank you, dearest JJ, except I am on a payment plan with the good ole IRS because apparently I made SO much money working for a non-profit.
Pardon me whist I belch.
But, if your payment went toward maintaining the local Pet Smart, my hat is off to ya!
"Let me tell you how it will be. There's one for you, nineteen for me...taxman!"
Do you know, they never asked me what I wanted them to spend the money on. That's terrible.
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