Sunday, 18 March 2012

Educational Goodbyes.

I recently had to let go of somebody who was, and remains, more than precious. I had to do so in order that she could follow her own road without interference or hindrance from me, and also, I have to admit, to save myself a lot of pointless suffering.

It was an interesting experience, both enervating and energising at the same time. It was like being cut down and then lifted up horizontally. The obvious analogy would be that of a wheat stalk being harvested so as to complete its purpose.

I had to do this once before, several years ago, but that was easier. It was a gentler, more gradual process; the person involved made it so. That was a rehearsal, I suppose; the latest episode was more like a first night performance.

OK, Mr Director – been there and done that now. Any chance of an easier scene next?


Anthropomorphica said...

There is wisdom involved in knowing when to let go.
Seems that today was about goodbyes for the two of us!

JJ said...

Good job we're both a bit odd, then, eh?

Bree T Donovan said...

O.K. It wasn't me, was it?! I never know when you go rogue on me.

Wait, the 'precious' bit. That wasn't me then. I'd be more like, 'pesky' 'pestery' (is that a word?)

Did ya feel that tug on your leg?! ;-)

JJ said...

Not you, Bree. You're family.

But do you know what's odd? The blogger system stats never pick up your visits. The other trackers do, but not Google.

Bree T Donovan said...

Awaaa! I like that, family. I'm crazy aunt Bree. The old spinster kept in the closet when company comes!

That is odd about google. But, I don't even pretend to know how this stuff all works.

G'Night Me Dear!

JJ said...

With Google, things usually don't work these days.