Saturday, 17 March 2012

Another Step Along the Wrong Road.

Let me say at the outset that having an affair with a married woman is generally a bad thing. In fact, depending on the attitude and sensibilities of the woman’s husband, it can be a supremely bad thing. Extreme suffering has been known to ensue. Violence has been known to ensue. Even murders and suicides have been known to ensue. Unless the relationship between said woman and her husband is emotionally and practically defunct, I disapprove most strongly of having affairs with married women.

Perversely, however, it used to have one thing to ‘commend’ it. It was clandestine; it was difficult to achieve; it carried risk; it was, therefore, exciting. It appears that this is something else the drive for commercial opportunity is trying to destroy. There are now dating sites specifically designed to provide men with married women to have affairs with. Isn’t this negating the very impetus that drives some men to want affairs with married women?

And so the world continues to grow sadder. Whether you see this latest example as a dilution of standards, or whether you see it as yet another move towards painting the world grey, it isn’t very good, is it?


Anthropomorphica said...

Makes me want to be very twisted indeed just to break the monotony.

Slainte Jeff, hope you have a drop of the black stuff to celebrate the magick of the Emerald Isle and now, a few words from Yeats

“Faeries, come take me out of this dull world,
For I would ride with you upon the wind,
Run on the top of the dishevelled tide,
... And dance upon the mountains like a flame.”

Sticking two fingers up to the prospect of a bland, sheep-zombie world.

JJ said...

No black stuff, Mel, just the amber as usual. If you get a lift with the fey any time, come over my way and pick me up, will you?

Anthropomorphica said...

Will do, I promise ;)