Tuesday 7 December 2010

Short of a Full Deck.

I’ve occasionally wondered in the odd idle moment what my greatest failing in life has been. Is it:

The fact that I never had any money to speak of?
The fact that I never had any power to speak of?
The fact that I never became famous?
The fact that I was never able to maintain a long term domestic relationship with a woman beyond a few years?
The fact that my photography career was killed off by circumstances beyond my control?
The fact that my fiction writing hasn’t been particularly successful?
The fact that I haven’t been really successful at anything, at least as the world defines the term.

None of the above. My greatest failing in life is that my intention to collect a full astrological set of women fell way short of target. It’s about the only real target I ever set myself. I dislike targets, and feel only contempt for today’s target-driven work culture. Having set myself one, therefore, it bugs me a bit that I was so short of the mark.

So what went wrong? Cancerians and Pisceans, that’s what. Too many of them. Apart from them, all I have is a Libra, a Leo, and a brace of Sagittarians. One interesting aside here is the fact that one of the Saggies was the sexiest girl I ever knew, while the other definitely brought up the rear (in more ways than one, but that’s a story that would be difficult to write without giving offence!) I might also add, for those still reading, that the only one who ever showed me a hint of the kundalini snake was the Libra. Disastrous relationship in general, though.

That makes a grand total of five signs. Less than 50%. Pathetic. And I did so want a Scorpio! I nearly had one once, an actress who shall be nameless (look what happened when I identified Thomasin. It wasn’t her, by the way.) I declined to proceed with our tentative reciprocation of feelings and suffered a bit for my rare exercising of good sense, but that’s another long story. All I got out of that one was an abiding fondness for the song On the Street Where You Live.

So there you have it. My specimen box is only 42% filled, and it isn’t going to get added to now. I have played my life with an incomplete deck!

And need I add that you’re not supposed to take this post too seriously. If you got this far, that is.


Carmen said...

You like feisty women.

I'm an Aquarius by the way.

JJ said...

I especially like feisty women, Carms, if they're the sort who descend into giggles when I smile amiably back at their feistiness.

Aquarius, eh? Whoa! My daughter says Aquarians are the most interesting people. I've also read that there's rarely an example of a bad Aquarian. I've found Aquarian women to be the most unpredictable - given to far seeing and inherent compassion, but also prey to the occasional bout of mystifying irrationality. I had a lovely neighbour once - I mentioned her in a blog post. She was the only Christian I've ever known who truly practiced the finer virtues of Christian teaching. When she found a poor neighbour stealing her coal, for example, she just gave them more. She was an Aquarius.

Zz... said...

too bad i'm pretty sure you would have liked a scorpio saggi men tend to...

JJ said...

Do you think if I got in a good stock of Botox and Viagra I might still stand a chance?