Tuesday 7 December 2010

The Better Bits.

I realised a long time ago that there’s one major advantage to being a man. If your bathroom is unheated, the loo seat gets a bit chilly. Being able to pee from a standing position is one almighty blessing.

And two hours of supplementary heating in my office has raised the temperature by a degree. You wouldn’t think it, but I really can feel the difference.


Finally: just in case anybody has been taking an interest in recent posts concerning the Great Pennsylvanian Mystery, I now know who the Lady of Ephrata is. Sounds mystical, doesn’t it? Suits her.


Maria Sondule said...

You seem to be posting about the cold a lot.
And did you change your layout to gray? It suits the weather outside... :P
I see the track team outside running in it after school all the time. They make me shiver.

JJ said...

Yes I know, Maria. You’re quite right. I’m conscious of the fact myself. Unfortunately, the cold seems to be the major preoccupation at the moment for one reason or another. We’re getting the sort of temperatures we get about three times a century, and we’re getting them very early in the season. What’s more, my house is old and poorly insulated, so when it’s 6 or 7F on the outside, it gets pretty cold on the inside, too.

The background is supposed to be dark grey, although Della tells me it appears light grey on her monitor. That isn’t so good, since the text is white and can’t be easy to read against light grey. What the hell am I supposed to do about this, except have either a black or white background?

I wouldn’t worry about the track team. Exercise warms you up nicely. I played rugby for twenty years, and it’s quite strange seeing steam rising off people’s bodies in cold winter weather.

Glad to see you still visiting. I thought you might have taken offence at something I said. You know me: it’s Important to be Earnest. Forgive me putting it this way, but you interest me a lot. I would be sorry to lose your company.

Della said...

Just a note on the color Jeff – it's actually a medium grey and offsets the white text just fine. A black background might be too dark. Also, it brings to mind some of the year-round Halloween bloggers I look at once in a while (you haven't graduated into this category yet :)
Sorry to hear about the cold, I can imagine how hard it is with a poorly insulated house. I used to live in Holland where every winter cold air blasted through the facade of the gabled Dutch townhouse we lived in. I have to say, here they know how to build. Our (average) apartment house, built in 1901, is a solid mass with double windows all over (old in most rooms), and it's pretty cozy. Still need an extra pullover right now, though.

JJ said...

Graduated?! Cheek!