Friday 24 December 2010

The Mintz Insistence.

It’s silly ditty time again. As I said in my last post, the habitual winter depression has caught hold of me tonight and I needed something to take my mind off it - which is probably why this ditty isn’t as silly as the silly ditties usually are. All this week, Zoe’s surname has been knocking on the door of my ditty consciousness and demanding rhymes. Tonight, it was disinclined to be denied any longer.

I’ve never seen Miss Zoe Mintz

I’ve never seen her wearing chintz,
Or watched her eyes flair up with glints
Like sparks from striking sharpened flints;
Nor seen her hair cascade with hints
Of horse hair, lit with auburn tints

Mysterious Miss Zoe Mintz.


Zoe said...

Ha I enjoyed this, thank you.

JJ said...

I somehow doubt you wear chintz, though. Have a lovely Christmas, Zoe. I'm glad you still acknowledge my presence.