Friday 17 December 2010

Ode to My Ageing Parsnip.

If Wordsworth can be imagined to have written an ode to The Withered Turnip, I think it only fair to acknowledge the parsnip in like manner. Of course, those inclined to seeing double entendre at the mere slip of a garter might read it differently.

My ageing parsnip’s past its best
It’s gone all soft and droopy.
I think it’s time it had a name;
I think I’ll call it Snoopy.

I’m not a Snoopy, quoth the veg,
I’m nothing like a beagle.
I think that you should call me Rex
Because I’m rather regal.


Anthropomorphica said...

Oh, the tears steaming down my face!!!! :D
Yes, yes, I'm a filthy creature!!

JJ said...

And I'm given to self-delusion, Mel. Regal indeed!