Wednesday 8 December 2010

A Female Visitor, Apparently.

This is a bit odd, even by my standards.

I came into my office last night and distinctly heard a female voice hum a few notes of music. There was no music playing and my only neighbour – elderly and male – had long since gone to bed. What’s more, the temperature outside was about -8C, so I doubt anybody was hanging about in those conditions at around midnight, and there was no wind. I shrugged it off as one of those acoustic aberrations that happen sometimes.

But tonight I was in my living room when I heard a woman giggle. Plain as day. A woman’s giggle.

I’m beginning to wonder whether the fairies have come in out of the cold, bless ’em. Welcome, little ones. Just don’t damage anything or keep me awake. OK?


KMcCafferty said...

I wonder if our two little fairy friends might know each other. Funny the other night I could have sworn that I was hearing music, but the weather was bad so there's no telling.

JJ said...

I think mine reads my blog traffic, and thought 'anything hers can do...'

Regarding Westlake, I'm told that Feedjit picks up the network hub that your internet works through, not your actual location. I come into other Feedjits as 'London,' which is a good 150 miles away.

Wendy said...

How old is the place you live in, Jeff? And maybe it's one of the Bronte sisters visiting you. And at least she wasn't a Bansidhe. I really have to come visit you someday and investigate all your haunted places. And if they are the Fae, be sure to leave bannocks and cream for them.

JJ said...

It's not that old, Wendy - about 100 years. Although with European buildings, the present property is often built on the foundations of an older one. Never thought of the Brontes. It was this time last year that I was writing the essay about Wuthering Heights that I felt I needed to do in order to exorcise Emily's demanding presence. It would be a thrill to think she was still hanging around. On the other hand, if it's the fae, I hope they realise how much bannocks and cream cost, and that I'm not made of money!

Anthropomorphica said...

Mathilda did say she'd keep an eye out ;)

JJ said...

Oh no! Now I have four possibilities: a fairy, Emily Bronte, the goddess Aine (who took me on the journey that resulted in my novel,) and the redoubtable Mathilda.

I decline to express preferences.

Jeanne said...

Thank you for visiting by my blog. :0)
You either have some Wee Folk living with you or maybe a spirit or two. Since your 'visitors' seem to be female, I am inclined to think that they may be Fae. Leave them a bit of milk and some sweets and sit down for a good visit. And I do hope you'll keep us posted on your visitations.....

Have enjoyed my visits here to your corner of Blogland. :0)

JJ said...

Hello Jeanne. Nice to see you. Do the fae come into people's houses, then?

Jeanne said...

They do mine! LOL I've had Fae living with me as long as I can remember - from my childhood and every house since then. And I'm fairly certain that some of the Fae from my childhood have stayed with me to current times.
It's interesting that the dream you wrote about had a young woman in it and the voice you have heard is also that of a young woman....

JJ said...

That's fascinating, Jeanne. Is there a specific post(s) on your blog that talks about having fae 'lodgers?'

Seems to me there could be many possible explanations for these odd phenomena. I'm open to all of them.

Jeanne said...

I have no one particular post about the Fae. I have been posting every Wednesday for the last month or so about them. The posts are entitled Faerie Magick.

I have heard of Fae influencing the dreams of people. But then dreams can also be a person's subconscious 'talking' to them. Personally, I have prophetic dreams. Especially if the same dream occurs more than once.

And your voice could also be a spirit of some sort. Have you noticed any sort of 'activity' around the outside of your place?

JJ said...

OK, Jeanne, Faerie Magick it is.

No particular activities outside, no, but I've had things moved inside. And I've woken up a few times feeling the sense of a presence in the bedroom. I turned that into a story. It's what I usually do with experiences that are a little uncomfortable. The presence didn't feel malevolent, though.

Jeanne said...

I should have left you a link to the first post I did, sorry!
Here is the link:

From my experience; when things go missing or have been moved, I feel a presence or see quick shadowy darts out of the corner of my eye, it usually means that there are Fae afoot.
I hope my posts help you out. I'll do my best to answer any questions you might have.

JJ said...

Ah, now, the quick shadowy darts are what I see all the time in the garden. I don't see them in the house. I don't suppose you ever read any of my 'Creepy Stories' series of posts. I've been having 'inexplicable' phenomena happening around me all my life. My ex occasionally says that she's glad she doesn't live with me any more. The moving shadows on the wall freaked her out a bit! I thought the first house I lived in as a child was haunted, but found that things happened wherever I lived, and even in a youth hostel dormitory when we went on a field study trip from school. I'm pretty used to the whole thing. Will take a look at the link. Thanks.

JJ said...

By the way, Jeanne, if ever you have some time on your hands, you might like my story The Passenger.

Jeanne said...

I would love to read your 'Creepy Stories' as well as your story The Passenger. Please point me in the right direction. :0)

JJ said...

Links don’t seem to work in comment forms, Jeanne, but the URLs are:

Maybe the links will appear when you open the comment. The Passenger, by the way, is a stolen child story.