Saturday 11 December 2010

Daft Brits.

There was a news report recently about a woman who called 999 because her snowman had been stolen. She justified her action on the grounds that she had used two £1 coins for the eyes and two forks for the arms. In her view, this made the crime serious. She got a stern ticking off from the police, apparently.

It struck me that I would probably get on better with her than most of the policemen I’ve met. It’s all a matter of values, I suppose. Or maybe I’m just a daft Brit.


Wendy said...

As I said, Jeff, mad dogs and English men/women ;) Maybe the snowman was her only companion. Actually it sounds like a really archetypal snowman with the money for the eyes like how ancient cultures send their dead off to the next world to pay Charon (sp.?) the ferryman. Did they have a photo of the stolen snowman?

Anthropomorphica said...

Better make that 3 of us ;)
Keep them on their toes, that's what I say!

JJ said...

No photo, Wendy. It was a TV text report. Besides, it had probably melted before the dastardly villains got it home. It happened in a tough neighbourhood, apparently, and the woman did admit that it probably wasn't a good idea to use coins for eyes. Hillarious! I grew up with people like that.

Melanie! You anarchist, you!