Monday 20 December 2010

Moons and Money.

Did you know that Tuesday will be a day of rare astronomical significance? The winter solstice, a full moon, and a total eclipse of the moon all take place on the same day, apparently. Should we expect momentous things to happen?

I got that one from Jeanne’s blog.

And on a completely different note:

I was in a pub once and fell into conversation with somebody. We were talking about alcohol, and I asked him whether he liked scotch.

‘I do,’ he said, ‘but I can’t touch the stuff with what I’ve got.’

‘Really? What have you got?’



Nuutj said...

The converation about scoth is funny. I always like this kind of simple joke. (no victim, not sarcastic, and can happen in real life)

JJ said...

It did happen in real life, Mei-shan - true story.

Jeanne said...

Thanx for the shout-out. Will momentous things happen? Probably, somewhere....
Funny joke. :0)

JJ said...

You're welcome, Jeanne. That picture of the moon was splendid. It's shining on snow-flecked icy fields here.

Anthropomorphica said...

So this is why my Galibeast is a crazy dog at the moment, plenty of ripe excitable energy!
thanks for the laugh Jeff. Hope you're not too chilly and enjoying some hot toddies!

JJ said...

I'm coping, thanks Mel, although I'd still go more for hot bodies at the moment.

Anthropomorphica said...

Perhaps a little hot totty then ;)

JJ said...

Mel, you're so bloody witty today! I'm truly impressed. Can I have some of whatever you're having? Er, no. Cancel that. Certain things are better not grabbed in the dark.

Maria Sondule said...

1:30 AM. I will not be awake.

JJ said...

I assume that's when your bit of America sees the eclipse.