Wednesday, 1 August 2012


Thought you might like to see an ex-girlfriend of mine strutting her stuff. Cara came between the Channel 5 weather girl and the Priestess. I think I'm just about done now.


andrea kiss said...

Nice. Well done. ;)

JJ said...

You mean you approve of my taste?

andrea kiss said...

Yep. And this is proof you're not as unattractive as you'd have us readers believe you are. Which i never believed it to begin with. ;)

JJ said...

Thanks for the vote of confidence, Andrea, but sadly misplaced. If I really had a girlfriend who looked like Cara Dillon, I wouldn't be blogging!

andrea kiss said...

You had me fooled! I believed that this really was an ex of yours, lol.

JJ said...

I was hoping the Channel 5 weather girl would have given the clue to JJ Walter Mitty.

Having said which, some of my ex's weren't at all bad looking! (But that was then.)