Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Playing the Game and the Role of Trees.

Remember how I took the car in recently to get the wipers fixed? They’re not fixed. Remember how I’ve been having consultations with the Ashbourne computer boffins over the glitches with the new machine? Sam told me they’re fixed. They aren’t.

All this got me reflecting on life again. I’m becoming ever more convinced that it really is just a game we choose to play, and that the only reason we take it seriously is because taking it seriously is part of the game. So maybe at the end of a long, frustrating day, we should remind ourselves not to take it too seriously.

And then I took to wondering about the trees. Are they just here to play the game too, or does the plant kingdom have an inner life and an outer life? Is the outer life simply a tangible form they project to provide a credible context for the game playing of the animal kingdom? In which case, might it be possible to access more rarefied levels of reality through connection with trees?

I think it might be. That’s my current theory.

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