Saturday, 4 August 2012

Yu Shi's Overindulgence.

How does one appease the rain god? I try not to complain too much about rain, since we’d all die without it, but Yu Shi has been overdoing things a bit this year in dear old Blighty. My lane became a fast flowing river again today.

And the trees, I’m sorry to say, got it wrong.

Oak before ash, expect just a splash
Ash before oak, we’re in for a soak

Well, the oaks came into leaf about two weeks before the ashes this spring, so I was anticipating an unusually dry summer. Must ask my friend the big sycamore what went wrong. I expect he’ll tell me that oaks and ashes are a bad lot and you can’t trust ’em.

On a more positive note, I bought a new rain jacket a few weeks ago, and opted to pay the extra £5 to get the waterproof version rather than the one that was merely shower proof. It proved to be a good investment. I was out for at least twenty minutes in heavy rain and the parts of me underneath the coat stayed dry. My jeans, on the other hand, got soaked and had to be changed. Cold, wet legs aren’t nice things to have.


Anthropomorphica said...

In a really good rainstorm I love to ditch the coat and get soaked to the bone, it's really exhilarating!
I love the rain, especially after those bone dry Spanish months.
What did Old Mr Sycamore have to say?

JJ said...

Haven't asked him yet, Mel. And I have a real aversion to getting wet. I think I must have been a cat in a previous life.

Anthropomorphica said...

Or a Galibeast, he hates the rain.

JJ said...

Or somebody who once drowned in three inches of water after falling into a puddle, drunk.