Saturday, 4 August 2012

Minor Olympic Moans.

I see the latest trend among the Olympic athletes is nail art. They’re all trying to outdo each other in having the best expression of patriotic fervour on their finger nails, and the trend is so popular that there’s a five day waiting list. If you’ve got no hope of winning a medal, at least you can triumph in the finger nail stakes.

This isn’t a serious issue, of course, I just think it’s another example of the old Olympic ideal being trivialised by the candyfloss culture mentality. And I expect the company with the nail art franchise is making a hell of a lot of money, which is basically what everything is about now.

*  *  *

I caught a bit of the women’s beach volleyball the other day (do they have men’s beach volleyball?) It struck me as being more soft porn than sport, but that, at least, appeared to echo the original Olympic Games in Ancient Greece where the athletes competed naked. And people with my idealistic attitude towards the sanctity of the female body don’t have to watch it, do we?

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