Monday, 6 August 2012

An Inappropriate Mode of Transport.

Mr Renault has had to be left in the infirmary to have his windscreen wipers fixed. It’s a long job to find out what’s wrong, apparently, and it could be a long job to put right. So JJ had to borrow another of Nigel’s vehicles to get home.

Not the sign-written van this time, but something with a little more style: a bright red Mazda MX5 sports car. It’s fun – not the most comfortable car to drive since it tends to be a bit bumpy on poor surfaces, but it’s otherwise smooth enough and zips around smartly. The nearest thing I have to a complaint is that it’s so low to the ground that you don’t so much step out of it, as climb.

The real cause for concern, though, is whether it’s at all proper for a novice Hobbit of the Shire to be seen in a sports car. There being no gypsy caravans, or even 60s vintage VW camper vans, available, I’ll just have to maintain a low profile for a few days and hope nobody notices.

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