Friday, 10 August 2012

Mixed Feelings.

Ever since the computer and car problems – plus a few other things – made their appearance, the old fatigue condition has started to trouble me again. I get unpleasant sensations in which the life force seems to be ebbing away and my consciousness making a bid for independence. At such times I can’t help wondering whether I’m ready for the off.

By way of contrast, I stopped to watch some young heifers grazing this afternoon. I was struck by how relaxing it is to hang over a field gate, watching them munch contentedly away and listen to the crump, crump sound they make as they do so. I was also struck by the fact that several of them appeared to be just as interested in me as I was in them. I wondered what was going through their minds. It looked like mere inquisitiveness, but who knows?

And I read that some scientists somewhere have demonstrated that parrots have a problem-solving ability about the equivalent of a three-year-old human. Maybe we should get a few of them to run for parliament and raise the general standard.

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